Monday, November 10, 2014

Baby Lyla is here!

A little over a year ago I was taking this precious little girl's big brothers newborn pictures! I so remember having two in diapers. IT is a blessing and I have learned how to balance so much more having my boys so close together. These two sweet kiddos will be friends for life. Thanks for allowing me to capture yet another momentous occasion in your family! Lyla, I hope you grow in grace and goodness!!!

little masterpiece

Oh dear!!! Love this candid little gem.


brother is inspecting his little sister

Sweet Angel Baby

Hoverman Sneaks

This family is precious to me and my family. We have prayed with them and for them and they are our family in Christ. Just. Love. Them.
Their journey has been crazy and at times very difficult, but the Glory goes to God for what they have become through it. If you are interested he (TJ) has a little blog that he started to chronicle his testimony. Its awesome.
And, I must say his choice of photo for his blog is spot on. (Yes, I took this last year!) :)
Anyways, I hope you enjoy these pictures!