Wednesday, December 17, 2014

DSPNT santa pics

Go "Like" us on facebook and find your Santa picture from the Down Syndrome Partnership of North Texas Christmas Party!
More to come

Monday, November 10, 2014

Baby Lyla is here!

A little over a year ago I was taking this precious little girl's big brothers newborn pictures! I so remember having two in diapers. IT is a blessing and I have learned how to balance so much more having my boys so close together. These two sweet kiddos will be friends for life. Thanks for allowing me to capture yet another momentous occasion in your family! Lyla, I hope you grow in grace and goodness!!!

little masterpiece

Oh dear!!! Love this candid little gem.


brother is inspecting his little sister

Sweet Angel Baby

Hoverman Sneaks

This family is precious to me and my family. We have prayed with them and for them and they are our family in Christ. Just. Love. Them.
Their journey has been crazy and at times very difficult, but the Glory goes to God for what they have become through it. If you are interested he (TJ) has a little blog that he started to chronicle his testimony. Its awesome.
And, I must say his choice of photo for his blog is spot on. (Yes, I took this last year!) :)
Anyways, I hope you enjoy these pictures!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mills Family Session

What a beautiful family! Each and every one of them is just so adorable I can hardly stand it. Everything just gelled on Saturday when we were shooting. The weather, the location, the kids were well behaved... it was just one of those easy days. I know my own kids are usually sprinting when we get to places like these so I was super impressed at how they all worked together and were so patient.
I hope you guys enjoy your pictures. I love meeting new clients and I hope to see you again soon.



Sunday, September 28, 2014

Juliet is growing up!

It amazes me how these tiny little beings grow and develop so much in the first year of life. This sweet little one is no exception. Such a little beauty. Those eyes and lashes are just not fair! Our pics were so quick. She always makes it so easy.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Chester Family

I have known Robin since way back in the days before he was a husband and a dad. I was honored when he told me that he and his wife wanted me to update some family photos for them. They came into town from a little place just outside of Denver to catch up with old friends and experience a Texas summer, and squeeze in a family photo op. Our plans to head over to the Botanical Gardens where he met his beautiful bride were thwarted with traffic and concerts this particular evening, so we detoured over to the Trinity to catch the magical golden hour of summer. Our pics took twice as long as normal in order to play catch up and I was amazed at how well his kiddos did considering all the time we took. Your family is precious and I hope I gave you exactly what you wanted...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Drake Sneaks

Here he is again, Mr. Smiley. This was the shortest full session even with the driving we did. He was just on the day we shot. It was an overcast morning with a little sun peeking through at times, which made for a gorgeous setting. We went to an old standby and favorite of mine for summer just due to the tree cover which helps control the bright direct summer sun in Texas. Here are just a few of his lovely photos. I hope you like them! Next time we meet he will be having his cake smash for his one year! Cant believe it.

love the mommy son shadow here!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Red White and Blue Mini Session... cousins

Beautiful Family, precious children. Enjoyed snapping a few of these kids the other day. They did so good and we were able to get them done without me making them pose too long. Of course my favorites are the candids but all are just too sweet! Hope yall enjoy!