Saturday, December 14, 2013

Beautiful Taylour

 I had no intentions of doing any more shoots until the new year after the busy Christmas rush I had. Although I was feeling extremely blessed to stay so busy this season, it took my pregnant body a long time to re-cooperate after crouching down and getting up for several weeks straight. Then, a sweet friend of mine from church called me up a week ago to ask me about pricing for her niece.
It was a pretty quick need as this sweet girl has some exciting things coming up in her future. Apparently she is needing portfolio pictures to send to a dance company in New Orleans for a possible spot in this company. Well, how could this mom of a dancer say no?
The weather has hardly been cooperative lately. But there is a deadline for these pictures to be completed so we braved this yucky, misty, cold and went downtown for her session.
Not only is this girl a beauty, her little personality is super cute to boot.
I am so excited to hear about how well she does and I hope these pictures are just what she wanted!

Keep in touch Taylour!!! Cant wait to hear all about it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Blessed... very busy week (lots of sneaks!)

Oh my goodness!
I have been blessed with some little ones this year. Take a peek at a few images from last week's sessions. 
Their little faces are God's masterpieces!
Baby Briley

Baby Juliet

                                                                     Baby Auden

Sweet boy "J"

        ... and little brother "AWWE" (named that by his brother!

Baby Abby

When I see these faces I am reminded of this verse:
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb."
Psalm 139:13
What a blessing these kiddos are to their families.
 Cd's will be finished and mailed out by Monday if you havent already received them.